Privacy Policy

Tech Gestures is committed to safeguarding your privacy and safeguarding any sensitive personal data we gather during interactions with our website, products, or services. This Privacy Policy details how we gather, use, disclose and safeguard this data gathered while engaging with Tech Gestures products or services – you agree with its terms simply by accessing or using them!

Information We Collect:

Personally Identifiable Information (PII): When you access, subscribe, or engage with our services, we may collect certain personally identifiable data pertaining to yourself such as your name, e-mail address, phone number and/or any additional contact info that identifies who they are and any pertinent contact info they might possess such as their full names or phone numbers as part of a transaction record.

Usage Data:

At our website and services, we gather non-personal records involving your interactions, such as IP addresses, browser types, device info and pages visited – helping to improve both functionality and consumer experiences. These records help us enhance the customer journey for all who visit.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

At our company, we utilize cookies, web beacons and similar monitoring technology to enhance the customer experience and gain information on preferences. If desired, browser settings allow for control over these features.

How We Will Utilize Your Information:

Service Provision:

At our organization, we use your personal records to deliver our services and products as promised; respond to inquiries; and fulfill any special requests that arise.


Our representatives may reach out via e-mail or other forms of dialogue to share updates, respond to queries and share relevant statistics related to Tech Gestures.


At analytics we examine usage data to track changes, observe user conduct and preferences to help optimize our services and content material.


With your consent, we may also utilize your statistics for promotional material delivery such as offers or updates about our products and services.

Sharing and Disclosure:

Third-Party Service Providers:

We may share your data with trusted third-party service providers who assist us in offering products and enhancing customer experience, through confidentiality agreements which restrict their usage for other reasons than what was stated earlier.

Should legal requirements require us, we can disclose your records in compliance with regulations, criminal procedures or government requests in order to safeguard our rights, privacy, protection or property or that of others.

Data Security:

At our organization, we take appropriate technical and organizational steps to secure your personal data from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration. However, it should be remembered that no Internet or garage-based transmission can guarantee 100% data safety.

Your Options:

You have several rights when it comes to managing and sharing your private data with us, from accessing, editing or removing it entirely to opting out from marketing communications at any time simply by following instructions contained within emails from us. Please contact us using any of the contact methods below if you would like to exercise them.

Children’s Privacy:

Our offerings do not target or collect any personal data from those under [age limit]. Should a minor provide us with their data unknowingly, if this has taken place please get in contact with us to have it deleted immediately.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

We may make adjustments to this Privacy Policy due to changes in our practices or legal obligations. Should there be significant modifications, we will notify all affected individuals and seek their consent as required under applicable regulations.

Contact Us:

If you have got any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at:


You conform to the terms mentioned in this Privacy Policy with the aid of using Tech Gestures. Your privateness topics to us, and we are committed to making sure a steady and transparent experience for our users.